
ExakTime Customer Testimonials

  • “With paper time cards, it’s just your word against the employee’s. With ExakTime there’s a time stamp and picture.”

    Lindsey Talmadge ‐ Sunenergy1

  • “We need to know how much we’re paying per hour worked on actual billable jobs. In ExakTime, we can run a report quickly to find out.”

    Blake Berke ‐ McGill Restoration

  • “I can go into ExakTime whenever I want to see where workers are and if they clocked in on site. It’s a huge time and money saver.”

    Laurie Saul Inglis ‐ Advantage Flooring

  • “We save $50,000 a year, maybe more—and now payroll is just another little step, not a weekly ordeal.”

    Mike Cooper ‐ Cooper Drywall

BirdDogHR Customer Testimonials

  • “The BirdDogHR ATS is our one-stop shop for all of our recruiting needs.”

    Jeff Baldeshwiler ‐ Kraemer North America

  • “The most impressive thing about the BirdDogHR ATS is how easy it is to use.”

    Brad Beck ‐ Werner Construction

  • “We evaluated three vendors. When we found BirdDogHR and all that the system offered, it really fit what we needed.”

    Cynthia Rice ‐ HTH Companies, Inc.