The data engine that drives your workforce management

Great people and workforce management starts with accurate, accessible data. Our Core HR module is not only your single source of truth for employee data it's also a tool for employee self-service. It helps your HR staff automate their work and it serves as a powerful integration point with other technology to increase accuracy and maximize your data.

Key Benefits

Better HR Processes to Deliver Value to Your Business

Core HR Offers a Range of Functionality You Need

  • Employee record management
  • Self-service portals
  • Surveys
  • Data & compliance reporting workflow management
  • Reporting & analytics
Two women talking

Customer Testimonials

“Core HR is our one-stop shop for employee information. I can access everything about our employees directly from the system."

Jenna Henderson Vice President of Human Resources and EEO Officer, Superior Bowen

Arcoro Users Conference | Scottsdale, AZ

Join us at Elevate on October 9th to learn how Arcoro products can empower your success!