
Field-based workforces demand sophisticated automated compensation administration tools to manage complex pay requirements.
Contractors face a myriad of workforce challenges every day and many of those don’t seem likely to disappear in 2025, especially the lack of skilled workers.
In today's competitive labor market, managing compensation and benefits has become increasingly complex. With construction firms reporting difficulty filling positions and employee turnover rates reaching historic highs, organizations face mounting pressure to optimize their compensation and benefits management strategies. This challenge is particularly acute in high-risk industries where compliance requirements add another layer of complexity to an already demanding process.
Managing your workforce isn't getting any easier. From tracking time across multiple job sites to ensuring accurate payroll processing, HR teams face mounting challenges in today's business environment. This is especially true for high-risk industries like construction, manufacturing and field services, where compliance requirements add complexity to everyday operations.
National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) is November 17-23, 2024. It’s the tenth annual nationwide celebration, created by the Office of Apprenticeship, where employers, industry associations, labor organizations, community-based organizations, workforce partners, education providers and government leaders host events to showcase the successes and value of Registered Apprenticeships. The collective work from these partners has broadened the public awareness of Registered Apprenticeships.
Arcoro is empowering customers to succeed.
October is Construction Careers Month, a nationwide celebration and recognition of the career opportunities that exist throughout the construction industry. It's the perfect time to emphasize to the next generation the significance of skilled trades and encourage them to consider a career in the industry.
This customer spotlight is focused on Pacific Construction, who uses the full suite of Arcoro products.
Benefits administration, or employee benefits management, is one of HR’s biggest responsibilities. Every year, the HR department must evaluate, manage and provide benefits, like health insurance, to employees. Between deciding which plans to offer, accessing eligibility, communicating available benefits and enrolling employees, the entire process can be a daunting task.
Apprenticeship and internship programs are an important part of the answer to worker shortages in the trades industries. According to the US Department of Labor, 92% of apprentices retain employment after completing a Registered Apprenticeship program.

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